
The Cloud is an ideal ally to permanently have the information by offering availability, quality, security and scalability, optimizing the investment in technology.


The combination of sensors and devices provide the possibility of capturing and processing on-site environmental data and processes to be converted into useful information.


It is the S&C designed IoT platform for monitoring, control and management of its resources, temperature and location for real-time decision making.

The value of the cloud

Cloud services are the key component that empowers IoT.


Building a cloud-based ecosystem allows for the scalability, interoperability, transactionality, capacity and security required.

The Internet of Things needs to work in the Cloud and it will evolve to better serve the IoT.

Our devices meet the best standards, meet the most rigorous needs and consider the use cases of our countries and our customers. The union with technology and business partners around the world allow us to have cutting edge technology.



The data is in the cloud, where customers can easily access their information from our mobile platforms or applications.


Availability of specialized functionalities or libraries (machine learning, neural networks, etc.) can be easily deployed to customers.


It allows our clients to arrive with affordable solutions without additional investments in technological infrastructure.

Our devices meet the best standards, meet the most rigorous needs and consider the use cases of our countries and our customers. The union with technology and business partners around the world allow us to have cutting edge technology.



For example device will allow you to know the immediate state of your cold chain by facilitating the decision making of the business and the operation to act in process improvement and reduction of operating costs while protecting your reputation and corporate image.


Opening (or closing) detection devices are ideal sensors to be notified when a refrigerator, refrigerator, cold room, door, window, cabinet are open or closed. The generation of real-time data and its integration with the platform protects your assets and results.


Industries of all kinds can benefit from asset tracking by preventing theft, loss or damage of their main assets. Additionally, by being able to geo-locate assets and other resources, it makes it easier to build knowledge that results in benefits for the company.


The combination of sensors and devices provide the possibility of capturing and processing on-site environmental data and processes to be converted into useful information.

The platform that maximizes efforts to start and deepen the Internet of Things

nAssist  has been implemented in several countries in Europe, Latin America and its users recognize its ease of use and at the same time the power behind its simplicity.

nAssist allows you to manage and monitor your devices, sensors and industrial assets centrally through our application in the Cloud.


Build graphs, maps and tables to visualize the relevant information of your operation, export the results and configure custom dashboards.


Set conditions, business rules and receive email notifications.


Define management objectives and indicators (KPI) and monitor detailed metrics, progress and results.


Establish distribution lists for sending operation reports, metrics and goal compliance status.