
Smartness Improvement in a Network of Buildings

NetBuild contributes directly to SDG 3 (air quality), SDG 6 (water management), SDG 7 (local integration of renewable energies), SDG 8 (new models buildings), SDG 9 (office buildings) and SDG 11 (smart buildings and cities) The scientific and technological objectives of the proposal are: (i) To develop a model for assessing the quality of indoor air (ii) Build a smart water management solution that combines IoT, AI and Big Data to reduce water loss (iii) Design a flexible lighting control that combines data daylight and occupancy sensors (iv) Develop an integrated electric vehicle charging policy that combines various charging modes and collects and uses building information (v) Develop DER flexibility forecasting services , including HVAC, lighting, EV, EES and RES (vi) Develop a real-time EMS that di stributes controllable resources and increases the energy flexibility of buildings. (vii) Develop aggregation strategies at neighborhood and network level. (viii) Develop a blockchain-based marketplace that controls smart energy trading between buildings. (ix) Develop an intelligent performance evaluation method that informs users according to the SRIs. (x) Enable the coordination and integration of IoT platforms into an intelligent built environment. (xi) Create a prototype office building to test the models and technologies developed in NetBuild.

Type of project: Public-private collaboration program MICINN/2021.

Project CPP2021-008975, NetBuild funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/ PRTR

S&C Role: Developer and Research Partners
