Smart Gas Meters & Middleware for Energy Efficient Embedded Services

Project name: Smart Gas Meters & Middleware for Energy Efficient Embedded Services

S&C Role: Platform Development & Integration

It results in the technology that brings new solutions and services to the market place or underpins better processes. Subproject Avanza Competitividad I + D + I. National Plan of Investigation Científica, Desarrollo and Innovación Tecnológica (2008-2011). Acción Estratégica de Telecomunicaciones and Sociedad de la Información TSI-020100-2011-217 Biomonitoring system for accident prevention SiBiPaC Convocatoria 2010 de ayudas correspondientes al subprograma INNPACTO, dentro de la línea instrumental de Articulación and Internacionalización del Sistema, en el marco del Plan Nacional de Investigacion Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, 2008-2011 Wireless Monitoring, Location and Alarm in High Situations Stress and Occupational Risk Project Requester & Coordinator, Middleware Development & Integration, Dissemination & Exploitation Call Challenges-Collaboration.

State Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Innovation (2013-2016, BOE of October 2).RTC-2014-2367-5Intelligent system to optimize the use of water in agriculture (Smart-Hydro) Middleware Development & Integration, Dissemination and Exploitation ProjectMinistry of Economy and Competitiveness: DT-ICT-01-2019: :

S&C Participates actively in the project as leader of Digitized Environment Task Force, participating in the creation of a business plan for the platform and developing a pilot experiment.