Smart Prognosis of Energy with Allocation of Resources

SPEAR is a pan-European research project, which proudly bears the ITEA label. The consortium consists of 18 partners from four European countries. As the name dictates, SPEAR aims to spawn ground-breaking research results and prototypes for energy optimisation in industrial production processes. The main objective is to build a flexible and generic optimisation platform in order to gain effective and profitable energy optimisation of highly complex production processes (for further information see https://spear-project.eu/)

Project Type: Energy efficiency in Industry

File Number: EXP – 00102225 / INNO-20171045

S&C Role: (1) Data acquisition: Integration of new devices into the existing IoT platform and adaptation of the cloud platform to meet the industrial requirements, (2) Creation of new energy consumption models, (3) Forecasting algorithms, (4) Integration with simulation and optimisation frameworks, and (5) Validation in a real industrial environment

Project Funded by: CDTI under program INNOGLOBAL